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What is the Lumen output on the far-red (740nm) Aquorea Mk3 LED?

Datasheet for the Far-Red LED module.

  • The LZ4-00R308 Far-Red LED emitter generates 2.1W radiant flux or 12.8umol/s nominal output at 5.7W power dissipation.

  • SubC has 12x of LZ4-00R308 in our Far-red LED.

  • The LED is powered by the internal driver at about 4W each, so 9umols/sec * 12 = 108umols/sec output. 

Lumens only relate to human eye sensitivity. They are great for telling you how well a lamp will let a human see in the dark, but that’s about it.  

  • Humans are sensitive to wavelengths of 500nm - 600nm

  • The Rayfin, for example, is sensitive from <400nm - >700nm

Camera sensors have a wider spectral range than a human, so the relative intensity is dependant on the camera sensor. Also, some cameras have IR filters, which may bleed into the far-red spectrum. Ensure you do your research when selecting a camera to pair with light wavelengths at the far end of the visible light spectrum. 

What is the Lumen output on the far-red (740nm) Aquorea Mk3 LED?

Datasheet for the Far-Red LED module.

  • The LZ4-00R308 Far-Red LED emitter generates 2.1W radiant flux or 12.8umol/s nominal output at 5.7W power dissipation.

  • SubC has 12x of LZ4-00R308 in our Far-red LED.

  • The LED is powered by the internal driver at about 4W each, so 9umols/sec * 12 = 108umols/sec output. 

Lumens only relate to human eye sensitivity. They are great for telling you how well a lamp will let a human see in the dark, but that’s about it.  

  • Humans are sensitive to wavelengths of 500nm - 600nm

  • The Rayfin, for example, is sensitive from <400nm - >700nm

Camera sensors have a wider spectral range than a human, so the relative intensity is dependant on the camera sensor. Also, some cameras have IR filters, which may bleed into the far-red spectrum. Ensure you do your research when selecting a camera to pair with light wavelengths at the far end of the visible light spectrum. 


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