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Aquorea Mk3 Quickstart

  1. Review the datasheet (white /color) for the pinout of your LED.

  2. Plug the USB to RS-485 device into the PC.

  3. An installer for Termite is included on the USB stick. Direct link here. Install Termite on the PC. Open it and click Settings. 

  4. Select the Port for the RS-485 device and 115200 Baud Rate. Set it to Append CR-LF and click OK.

  5. Plug a MCIL5F cable into back of Aquorea Mk3.

  6. Plug a RS-485 connector into the DB9 of the MCIL5F whip.

  7. Plug a 24VDC power supply into the MCIL5F whip.

  8. The LED will power on at its previous power setting.

  9. Adjust the brightness with ~device set lamp:### (0 - 100)%.

  10. For more commands, refer to the Control API in the manual.

If having any issues with the LED, please see the Q&A section in the manual.

Required Components

Aquorea LED

MCIL5F whip with DC and Serial breakout

Windows PC

AC-DC Power Supply (24VDC)

USB to RS-485 device

USB stick with Termite serial program

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