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Issues with LED connected to Rayfin

If having issues with an LED, while connected to a Rayfin, there are steps that can be taken to debug the device: 

  1. Here are the instructions to send debug commands to an LED attached to the Rayfin Aux port. 

    1. Set the Aux device type to a Controller. Device:0,Controller

    2. In Advanced type EnableDebugging

    3. If the device is working, you can test the Debug functionality by sending:
      If the LED is on Aux0, in Advanced type:
      >2 ~device set lamp:5 if and >2 ~device set lamp:0
      If the LED is on Aux1, in Advanced type:
      >1 ~device set lamp:5 if and >1 ~device set lamp:0

    4. To set the current limit:
      If the LED is on Aux0, in Advanced type:
      >2 ~device set current limit:2.0|SUBC#####
      If the LED is on Aux1, in Advanced type:
      >1 ~device set current limit:2.0|SUBC#####

    5. Calibrate the ADCs to match the voltage at the load ends of the LED cable:
      ># ~device calibrate voltage:##.##|SUBC#####

    6. Set the capacitor undervoltage threshold higher. Range is 7.0 - 30.0 Volts. Lower values permit longer strobe pulses, but put additional strain on the power system. Default 15.0 V:
      ># ~device set capacitor voltage threshold:##.#|SUBC##### Increase to 20.0, 25.0 and 30.0 in turn to see if this resolves the issue. 

    7. Set the Aux device back to an Aquorea: Device:0,Controller

  1. With a 2A charge, how long of an pulse length should I expect to get at 5hz before the strobe can no longer keep up? I’m currently getting up to about 25-30ms before I start to see random lights periodically missing and wondering if those numbers are realistic or should expect better.

  1. That is a complicated question. We pulse for 32-40ms with our camera, and we are able to do that reliability with the light at least 4hz in testing. Based on that, it can be on up ~150ms per second. However, this will also depend on if the power supply can source the needed power quickly enough.

  1. Is it normal that when strobing, the lamps continuously outputs a “ready” status message on the serial port when strobing with longer exposure times (10ms) but when I set to shorter (>1ms) the serial port is quiet? Not a big deal, just wondering why the discrepancy.

  1. It is quiet on short pulses because the power dropped on the internal charge capacitor is probably not enough to register a change.

  1. How well does having multiple lamps on the same 485 half duplex line work? I currently having trouble getting comms to work. When I have 2 on the same bus, all of these “ready” messages coming out of the lights seem to be colliding and causing corrupt data and sometimes the data from one light is getting received by the other light and it throws errors about commands over 80 characters and stuff. I’m sure there’s something I’m doing wrong here but I just wanted to see if you had any thoughts on where you’ve seen similar issues.

  1. Set the LEDs to multidrop addressed mode when using multiple devices on the same bus. ~comms set multidrop:1 will enable this mode.
    Addressing (multi-drop) is outlined in the manual but basically how to do it. If he can suppress the "Ready" state messages I think this will fix his issue. Hopefully the commands I found for question 2 could help out this one as well.

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