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LED Control API - Comms Commands

Addressing (multi-drop)

Commands can be sent to a particular LED by appending “|” (pipe) and the device’s serial number (e.g. ~device set lamp target:100|SUBC20150)

Serial settings

Baud Rate: 115200

Byte Size:

Parity: None

Stop Bits: 1

Flow Control: None

All commands start with a ‘~’ (tilde) character and end with a ‘\n’ (newline). Commands are not case-sensitive and the order of command words does not matter.


~comms set multidrop:#

1 or 0

Enables or disables multidrop mode. In multidrop mode, unit must execute serial commands with no address, and commands with matching "|SUBC#####" to-address, but not commands addressed to a different serial number.

Unit must only send serial feedback for commands with matching "|SUBC#####" to-address. All responses should have "_SUBC#####" from-address appended.

~comms set driver baud:#

Set baud rate of all controller ports. Can be an index from list below or literal baud rate.

0 = 9600

1 =  115200

2 = 57600

3 = 19200

4 = 4800

5 = 250000

~comms set auto echo:#

If enabled, auto echo inserts an echo character at the beginning of every line so all serial output is visible in SubC software.

~comms print status

Print all comms status information.

~comms ping

Echo “@ping”. Can be used to test serial operation.

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