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LED Control API - Device Commands

All commands start with a ‘~’ (tilde) character and end with a ‘\n’ (newline).

Commands are not case-sensitive and the order of command words does not matter.


~device print fault

Prints all system faults and all presently asserted alarms.

~device clear alarm 

Clears all asserted alarms.

~device set lamp:###

Sets lamp target value between (0-100)% of the current limit.

~device print lamp

Prints the commanded lamp value between 0-100% of the current limit.

~device print lamp target

Prints the commanded lamp value between 0-100 (may not be the actual light output).

~device print lamp output

Prints the actual lamp value between 0-100.

~device set strobe target:###.# 

Sets the strobe value from (0-100)% of the maximum driver output.

~device print strobe target or ~device print strobe

Prints the commanded strobe value between 0-100.

~device print strobe output

Prints the actual strobe value between 0-100.

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