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LED Control API - Sensor Commands

All commands start with a ‘~’ (tilde) character and end with a ‘\n’ (newline).

Commands are not case-sensitive and the order of command words does not matter. 

~sensor print status

Print all sensor status information.

~sensor print temp

Print current temperature, the high and low records and the target temperature.

~sensor print temp high

Print the record high temperature.

~sensor print temp low

Print the record low temperature.

~sensor print temp target

Print the target temperature or “nan” (not a number) if temperature regulation is disabled.

~sensor print runtime

Print the total product uptime.

~sensor print humidity

Print the current humidity.

~sensor alarm clear

Clear all currently asserted alarms.

~sensor alarm suppress

Toggles alarm warning messages. Alarms default to unsuppressed after a power cycle.

~sensor set timer:#

Set the sensor update interval in seconds between 1 and 60. Default is 10.

~sensor set timer mode:#

Set sensor update mode:  

0 = silent

1 = continuous       

2 = on change (default).

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