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Battery Precautions, Storage, and Transportation


Batteries are volatile. Failure to read and follow the below instructions may result in fire, personal injury, and damage to property if charged or used improperly.


  1. Charge indoor on a dry surface area.

  2. Keep away from flammable material. 

  3. Let battery return to ambient temperature before charging.

  4. Make sure battery is in a secured position before charging.

  5. Only use the provided chargers and charging cables that come with the batteries. This will prevent improper charging and/or applying reverse polarity to the terminals.

  6. Never charge batteries unattended. You should always remain in close observation to monitor the charging process and react to potential problems that may occur. OBSERVE THE LIGHTS ON THE CHARGER.

  7. Never disassemble battery cells.

  8. Do not drop, hit, puncture or damage the battery packs in any way. Doing so may result in gassing, fire or other problems.

Storage and Transportation/Shipping

  1. Store battery at room temperature.

  2. Do not expose the battery pack to direct sunlight (heat) for extended periods

  3. While transporting or temporarily storing in a vehicle, temperature range should be greater than -5 degrees C and no greater than 65 degrees C

  4. Storing battery at temperatures greater than 70 degrees C for an extended period (more than 2 hours) may cause damage to the battery and possible fire.

  5. When shipping the battery internationally please use 85044010 as the harmonized code to classify the battery as a traded product. All batteries have passed UN38.3 testing.

  6. Battery will be declared as a Dangerous Good so documentation will need to be filled out by your broker if you are air shipping.

  7. If shipping loose cells you need special UN certification.

  8. Ensure battery is in a housing before shipping.

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