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Getting Started

Data routing is the term used to describe the architecture used to transmit data through the Cloud via the SubC Streaming Service.

The SubC Data Routing application utilizes data routing technology which is also used in the Data Input and Data Output features found in other SubC Streaming Service enabled products.

Data Routing application can be used as a standalone or companion application to route data through the Cloud.

Standalone Scenario

Use Data Routing to transmit data (on System 1) and receive data (on System 2), then transmitted to another (Target) system/application.

System 1: Data Routing: Data Input / Transmit to Cloud → System 2: Data Routing: Receive from Cloud / Data Output (Cloud Input / Communication) → Target System

Companion Scenario

Use Data Routing to receive data that has been transmitted by another SubC streaming enabled application, then transmitted to another (Target) system/application.

System 1: SubC Stream Desktop with Channel configured with Data Input & Streaming to a Group/Presentation → System 2: Data Routing: Receive from Cloud / Data Output (Cloud Input / Communication) → Target System

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