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Bonus: Tips for ROV Imaging

Lighting: Adjust lighting conditions of system. If using a SubC camera, turn the LED on if more light is required. Make sure the strobe power is adjusted and do some test shots at estimated distances to objects.

ISO: Start with a value of 200. Increase ISO only if there’s not enough lighting available. Decrease ISO if there is too much light.

Focus: If moving through water column, manual focus may be necessary. If shooting a static object, auto focus may be ideal. If the water is very turbid with a lot of dirt, then auto focus may get lost “hunting”, so set to manual focus.

White balance: If shooting in shallow water, there may be a green tint to the image due to sunlight filtering. There are built-in image filters in the Rayfin Control Software to enable green light filtering.

Shutter speed: If target is moving, a high shutter speed of 1/200-1/100 may be necessary. High shutter speeds require more light.

Test and review: Take test images. Review images to determine if settings are correct for the scene. Use review zoom to determine sharpness.


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