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Optical Considerations: Chromatic Aberration 1

In terms of image quality, values like sharpness you want a higher number. With chromatic aberration (CA) you want a lower value. The lower the chromatic aberration the better the image result.

The comparison image here shows there is clear colour bleeding and chromatic aberration in the image taken with a flat port on the left, in comparison to the water-corrected lens on the right.


The image on the left is of a flat port and the image on the right is of a water-corrected optic. As you move from center to edge on a flat port, the issue become progressively worse. In the water-corrected lens you can see that the issue is reduced and evened out across the image.


Flat port lenses have a uniform increase in CA from center of lens to the edges.

The edges have a very high CA > 10


Water corrected optics dramatically decrease CA. The edges are approximately CA = 2

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