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The Importance if Lighting

Ambient light decreases the deeper you go underwater. This means in order to capture quality subsea videos and images, you’ll need the right lighting. Without it, you won’t get the results you’re looking for in your marine research or offshore survey and you’ll end up wasting time and money.

Strobe vs. Flood Lighting

If you are taking digital stills, select a subsea LED with strobe (or flash) capability. Strobes output a short, intense burst of light. This has an advantage over a flood light or lamp because you can increase the shutter speed and freeze subjects to remove motion blur.

If flying over the seafloor in a fast-moving vehicle, then a strobe will enable freezing the scene in digital stills. Some marine species are sensitive to lamps, but a strobe has less of an effect on creatures because of its extremely short duration.

Flood lights spread light everywhere, even where you don’t need it, but allow for less planning. Whereas directional lights produce less backscatter and can be more intentionally positioned to illuminate the scene.

Flood light (>90°)


Directional light (<90°)


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