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Video Frame Grabs vs. Digital Stills 1

You can pull frame grabs from your video, but there is information you should know first. Fundamentally, using frame grabs of video to get sharp images is not something that will work on a moving scene without very high frame rates (>60fps). If the scene is static, or moving very little, frame grabs will have some sharp details but resolution will be low (2MP for HD video).

Video Frame Grabs

Because video is usually at 25-30fps, the shutter speed is usually not high enough (1/25) to accept any movement in the scene. The frame is not being frozen so blurry images are normal. Occasionally, when scene objects and platform stop moving, some frames will be sharp.

Using video to gather data often involves clamping the camera to a stationary object or frame of reference. But even then not all frames of the video will be equal. In video, the frame rate is high enough that our eyes can't tell the difference between individual images until the video is paused.


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