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Laser Precautions

Please read this manual carefully before setting up and using your laser unit. The electronic version of this document is the controlled copy. Therefore, all printed versions of this document are uncontrolled.

CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.

  1. The customer is responsible for ensuring that the unit is utilized in an appropriate and safe manner. SubC Imaging recommends laser safety training and disclaims all risks and liabilities related to the improper setup or operation of the unit.

  2. The light emitted from these devices has been set in accordance with IEC EN 60825-1:2014. However, staring into the beam, whether directly or indirectly, must be avoided. It is recommended that the user wear appropriate laser safety glasses. 

  3. Operators should be trained to NOT point laser or allow laser light to be directed or reflected in any way toward other people, animals or reflective objects.

  4. There is potential hazard of eye or skin exposure to laser radiation if safety instructions are not followed.

  5. Observatory MantaRay lasers must only be used with Observatory Rayfin models. Plugging an Observatory MantaRay into a standard Rayfin will turn the laser on immediately and the on/off function will not be controllable.

  6. Warranty will be voided if the unit is modified in any way or the protective housing is removed. SubC Imaging will not be held responsible for any changes in laser classification after setup of the unit.

  7. If the laser product is found to be defective or the unit is damaged, under no circumstances should the unit be operated. Please contact support@subcimaging.comfor assistance.

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