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Aux Ports and Devices

Rayfin Aux Ports simplify integration by enabling plug-and-play support for LEDs, Lasers, and NMEA sensors.


Aquorea Mk3 LED Strobe and Lamp

The Aquorea LED is available in White or in various wavelengths for specific deepsea purposes like far-red (734 nm) for natural species behavior studies. Deep-blue (457 nm) for subsea fluorescence and leak detection, and other wavelengths to meet your needs.

White - Aquorea-Mk3-xxxx-BH5-beam(80)-c(white)

  • 500m - SUBC52-MCBH5WAS

  • 6000m - SUBC52-MCBH5W

Color - Aquorea-Mk3-6000-MCBH5-beam(80)

  • Deep-Red - SUBC52-MCBH5DR

  • Deep-Blue - SUBC52-MCBH5DB

  • Other wavelengths available on special request

STEP file -

MantaRay Mk2 Parallel Lasers

The MantaRay Parallel Laser is calibrated for 10cm spacing out to 5m. It is built from Grade 5 Titanium and sapphire to be very durable. Available in two configurations:

  • 6000m Standard

  • Observatory option - where the laser is configured to be On when powered up

Standard: SUBC49-TI1002P1 - MantaRay-Ti-100-2-P-1

STEP file -

Skate Mk2 Line and Grid Lasers

The Skate Mk2 is stocked in standard models with Line and Grid patterns. All Skate Mk2 lasers are 6000m rated, constructed from Grade 5 Titanium and Sapphire.

NMEA Sensors

Sensors such as altimeters and CTD can be connected to the Rayfin Aux ports. To work properly it will need to be configured correctly.

  • Configure the device for serial RS485 @ 9600 or 115200 baud

  • The device has to be set to a 1Hz or slower output rate

  • The string is a standard NMEA format starting with a ‘$' character and ending in a ‘\n’ or ‘\r’ character

  • The device has to be compatible with a voltage range of 24-30Vdc

  • The cable pinout has to match Aux bulkhead wiring below

  • In SubC software, select the correct Aux device type. Either the “NMEA Sensor” or “TTL + NMEA Sensor” when using a NMEA sensor in parallel with a TTL Laser, like the MantaRay or Skate lasers above.


NMEA sensors: Altimeter

In addition to the above NMEA config information, for an Altimeter the Rayfin uses the $--DBT format.

        1   2 3   4 5   6 7
        |   | |   | |   | |
  1. Water depth, feet

  2. f = feet

  3. Water depth, meters

  4. M = meters

  5. Water depth, Fathoms

  6. F = Fathoms

  7. Checksum

Aux Port Bulkhead Wiring

All SubC Aux Devices have the same bulkhead and pinout to ensure compatibility with Rayfin cameras.

Pin #

Subconn MC-BH-5M




VIN (generally 17 - 30 Vdc)


TTL Modulation


RS485 B(+)


RS485 A(-) 

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