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What's New in Rayfin SCI

New Features

Rayfin ROM/Firmware Version Updating

When you open the Rayfin Control SCI application, the Current Version of the ROM/Firmware installed is compared to the latest available version.

If your current version is showing as ”Unknown” or is older than the Latest Version, you can click the download button to get the latest version of the application and install.


Once downloaded, the Current Version and Latest Version appear the same and if you have any Rayfin Cameras that require this update, green arrows will appear next to those cameras.

Click the green arrows to update the ROM/Firmware on the Rayfin camera(s).


Fine and coarse focus controls

When MF (Manual Focus) is turned on, the Focus Near / Far controls appear allowing you to further adjust the focus settings.


Image enhancement


Click the Wand (in the top, right of the application) to enhance the image.

Ability to invert laser on / off controls

When lasers are plugged in, for safety they remained powered off.

If the laser control button indication is inverted from the expected Off / On (opposite from the normal expected indication as illustrated in the images below), Click “Invert Manta Ray Laser” under Menu → Rayfin Aux Devices to invert so that the On / Off button indication is accurate.


In the Rayfin Controls, click the Laser toggle On/Off button under Peripherals.

Laser is Off



Laser is On




Laser configuration is retained after restarting Rayfin Control SCI Desktop application

When you connect to a Rayfin camera, the configuration details are retained in the Rayfin Control SCI settings file and are automatically loaded the next time you open the application, including selected Aux Devices and those Aux device settings.

Nexus Support

The Woods Nexus IC software package can now be used to remotely control the Rayfin Control SCI.

PC/Data Time Service

The date and time that appears in all files produced by the Rayfin Control SCI can now be sourced either from the PC time or from an incoming data source. See Menu → Settings → Time Source


Rayfin RDI

Rapid digital imaging capability when connected to a Rayfin camera


Rayfin Strobe Compensation

Set a value to use for compensating for brightness jumps when using the strobe feature of an LED connected to a Rayfin camera.


Rayfin Strobe and Lamp Brightness Controls

Adjust the Lamp Brightness and Strobe Brightness values of an LED connected to a Rayfin camera.

See Menu → Rayfin Aux Devices


Exif Tags

Match GPS location information from an incoming data stream and use it to save this information into the images captured (stored in the file header as Exif tags). See Menu → Rayfin Still Settings


Rayfin White Balance: Users are now able to pick a preconfigured White Balance preset to adjust for different conditions. See Menu → Rayfin White Balance


Rayfin Nickname

You can now set a nickname to the camera to aid in camera identification / camera location (i.e.., Port Camera )

Anti-Turbidity Mode

This mode locks the focus range in front of the camera so it ignores any turbidity close to the lens when in auto focus. This allows you to maintain focus on the object of interest. See Menu → Other Rayfin Settings


New Functionality

Software Fallback

Compatibility feature for remote desktop if the video doesn’t come through. See Menu → Settings → Admin Settings

If the Rayfin Control SCI Main view video is not visible when the User has accessed the Rayfin Control SCI host PC via remote desktop, they can turn the Enable preview software fallback toggle on and then be able to seen the Preview & Main video.


Split Time

Set the amount of time before a recorded video file splits. See Menu → Settings → Recording


Reevaluate tags on split

When selected, Reevaluate tags on split will modify the filename of recorded video files each time they split according to the tags in the Filename Template.


Also see Review Media Folder

Illegal character validation

Characters that are illegal in file and folder names will no longer be allowed.

Do not enter these invalid characters in filenames “\ / : * ? " < > |”

Manual Rayfin Connect

If a Rayfin camera is not detected you can now enter it’s IP address to manually connect to it. Enter the IP Address of the Rayfin camera in the IP Connection → Camera Address field.


Error Handling

Error Codes

If you see an ErrorCode: #### message appear on screen within a SubC Application, that message will direct you to contact and provide the Support Agent with the ErrorCode: ####.

No crash when settings file is corrupted

If a settings file is corrupted and cannot be loaded the application will no longer hang. It will display an Error Code: 0001 stating this and the settings file will NOT be overwritten/blanked..


If this message appears, please email and attach the C:\SubC Rayfin Control SCI v4\Settings\settings.json file.

Data Input

Issue that prevented Data Input to be selected on overlay when opening the application is now fixed.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.