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Subsea Equipment Precautions & Maintenance

Please read this manual carefully before setting up and using your unit. SubC disclaims all risks and liabilities related to your failure to follow or adhere to any of the below instructions or advisories. The electronic version of this document is the controlled copy. Therefore, all printed versions of this document are uncontrolled.

  1. SubC equipment is designed to work at various depth ratings on unmanned vehicles. Designs are tested to their full pressure rating. Production units are pressure-tested to a nominal rating to ensure no leaks. If using our equipment on vehicles containing people, you do so at your sole risk as SubC equipment is not certified for direct human contact underwater. Manned submersibles require equipment to have additional pressure-testing to ensure safety.

  2. The equipment has been designed for subsea usage. Observe the operating temperature specifications before prolonged usage in air (do not operate for >10 minutes in air). Run equipment in water.

  3. The power supply is polarized. Ensure the correct polarity is used before plugging into the unit. There are many built-in protections on the bulkhead pins, however, incorrect electrical connections may still damage the internal electronics. See your equipment datasheet for correct wiring. Some equipment has a custom pinout selected at point of sale. Check your documentation before powering.

  4. Water should not come in contact with the pins on the bulkheads. When not in use, use dummy plugs. If water touches the pins, use contact cleaner and compressed air to remove the water. 

  5. Before attaching the connector to the equipment, be certain that the pins are aligned, clean and lightly lubricated with appropriate silicone o-ring grease (Ultimate o-ring lubricant for example

  6. All fasteners on the equipment are metric. They should be hand-tightened during regular maintenance.

  7. Caution: LED flashing may cause seizures in people who are susceptible

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