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SubC Hardware Warranty

SubC warrants that our products shall be devoid of material and workmanship defects and deemed suitable for the purposes outlined in the product literature for a period of 1 year from original shipment date. See Terms- SubC Warranty

SubC Annual Success Program (includes Standard Warranty) is complementary for the first year with the purchase of a Rayfin Camera or DVR+O solution. Clients that extend that Annual Success Program in the second and following years also receive extended Standard Warranty.

In addition to the Rayfin Camera solution, a combination of up to three (3) aux devices are also included in the Annual Success Program coverage, which can be of the following:

  • Aquorea Mk3

  • MantaRay Mk2

  • Skate Mk2


  • Defects resulting from failure to adhere to recommended installation or maintenance procedures, normal wear and tear, misuse, fire, water ingress, lightning damage, voltage fluctuations, or any other circumstances beyond SCL's control. Additionally, it does not extend to isolation incompatibilities.

  • Mechanical components that are subject to wear and tear, such as the Tow Camera System’s tow frame, tow bridle and Kevlar tow cable.

  • Connectors and cabling operated outside of intended parameters and conditions, such as pulling, twisting, cutting, crushing, modification or exposure to environmental conditions.

  • 3rd party equipment such as the AGO Winch or Impact Subsea Altimeter. Extended coverage for 3rd Party equipment can be discussed directly with the vendor for that 3rd party component. SubC can provide the Client with 3rd Party Vendor contact information.

Inclusion of the above hardware within the Annual Success Program after the first year may incur additional costs. Please contact your SubC Sales representative if you would like to learn more.

Hardware warranty is extendable up to 5 years from the initial shipment date.

RMA - Return Material Authorization

If you are having a problem with SubC equipment and suspect an equipment functionality issue, please first contact to confirm with our Support Team if the problem is with the equipment or if the issue can resolve without the need for equipment return.

If it is determined that the equipment does need to be returned, SubC Support will provide you with an RMA Number

  • Please complete the RMA Form

    • Enter the RMA Number and provide the required information on the RMA Form.

    • Save a copy of the completed RMA Form for your records

    • Return the completed RMA Form to SubC along with the Equipment

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