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SubC Training and Onboarding

SubC designs our software and products to be as easy to use as possible. Oceanographic work is challenging. We recognize the value in helping you have a successful project. We make things easier by helping to get new team members up to speed.

Each year of the Annual Success Program includes two (2) hours of training & onboarding with your product. Training and Onboarding is a guided 1:1 session with our Client Success Manager to:

  • Cover best practices when operating SubC equipment.

  • Unpack all of your equipment’s features and provide insights for fast workflows.

  • Conduct an inventory check to confirm the contents of your order.

  • Discuss current and future applications or use cases for the equipment.

  • Review warranty, documentation and technical support resources.

Schedule Training and Onboarding

Contact us to schedule onboarding and training with SubC’s team of experts.


Online Training Resources

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