Route/EndPoint | Method | Function | Description | Example Results |
api/recording | api/anomalies | GET | /isrecording | Collect recording status. | {"IsRecording": false} |
api/recording | api/anomalies | GET | /start | Send the start command. | Nothing |
api/recording | api/anomalies | GET | /stop | Send the stop command. | Nothing |
api/stats | GET | /ping | Replies with true/false if the ping was complete. | {"Ping": true} |
api/framegrabs | GET | /fileextension | Replies with a JSON showing “.{extension}”. | { "FileExtension", ".jpg" } |
api/framegrabs | POST | /take | Replies with status 200 when operation is valid. | {"Path":"D:\\picture_name.png"} |
api/overlay | GET | /clear | Clears any placed overlays. | Nothing |
api/overlay | POST | /update | Adds an overlay to the top left-hand corner (text only). Replies with status 200 when operation is valid. | {"id": "overlay1","type": "text", "value" : "sample text","verticalOffset": 0,"fontSize": "16"} |
api/recording | api/anomalies | POST | /filename | Adds a filename | {"Filename":"D:\\folder\\filename.mp4"} |
api/recording | api/anomalies | GET | /fileextension | Collect the file extension. | {"FileExtension": "mp4"} |
api/recording | api/anomalies | GET | /filename | Collect the filename. | {"Filename":"D:\\folder\\filename.mp4"} |
api/recording | api/anomalies | GET | /status | Collect current status. | {"IsRecording":false,"DriveSpace":41} |