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CLI - How to downgrade Rayfin Camera from v4 to v3

You can convert your Rayfin Camera ROM and Firmware from v4 back to v3, if you wish to control and operate your Rayfin Camera with the SubC Rayfin Control Software (RCS).

If you do not have RCS already installed on your PC, download the Rayfin RCS Software

To re-install Rayfin Camera ROM and/or Firmware to v3:

  1. Open Windows Explorer to C:\SubC Rayfin Control\


  2. To update ROM: Double-click “UpdateROM.bat

  3. To update Firmware: Double-click “UpdateFirmware.bat

  4. Rayfin Cameras connected on your Network will be automatically discovered and listed in the these .bat programs.

  5. Enter the Index number that matches your Rayfin (eg. 1 = Rayfin001) and follow any on-screen instructions.

    1. Or you can enter the last number in the index to manually type in the IP address of the Rayfin to be updated.

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