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Windows Event Viewer - How to Save & Share Event logs

SubC Support will sometime request our Clients to provide us with an Event Viewer log file to help us determine the underlying cause of a support issue.

This scope of this article is to give brief instruction on how to Save an Event log file and send it to SubC Support for analysis.

This article is not a guide on how to use all of the features of Microsoft Event Viewer, but here is a good online reference if you’d like to learn more: How to use Event Viewer on Windows 10

Open Windows Event Viewer

  1. Right click on the Windows Start menu and click Search

  2. In the Search field, type Event and the following window will appear

  3. Click “Open” to open the Event Viewer

  4. Windows Event Viewer opens…

  5. Expand Windows Logs and click Application

  6. Click on Action → Save All Events As

  7. The Windows File Explorer window will open

    1. Select a folder in which to save the selected events log - example: My Events Logs
      We recommend that you create a specific folder to save log files for transport to SubC;
      Its easier & best to compress & send us the all of the content in specific Event Log file folder.

    2. Give the event log file a meaningful name - example: SubC-Stream-Events-01-26-2023

    3. Click Save and Select “Display information for these languages:” and click OK

  8. Alternatively, you can Save Selected Events

    1. Click on the section of events that pertain to the Application in question

      1. Click the top event to highlight, then hold the Shift key and click the bottom event to select the series of events.

      2. If you are unsure which events to select - send all events to SubC Support - Return to Step 6

    2. The Windows File Explorer window will open

      1. Select a folder in which to save the selected events log

      2. Give the event log file a meaningful name - example: SubC-PC-DT-Selected-Events-01-26-2023

      3. Click Save and Select “Display information for these languages:” and click OK

Send the Event Logs Folder to SubC Support

You may need to use a file compression tool (such as WinZip) to compress & reduce the specific Event Log folder for easier transmission via email to SubC Support ( .

Right Click on the Events-Logs folder → Select WinZip SafeShare (if use WinZip)

Additional information

Open Saved Log Files

  1. Action → Open Saved Log…

  2. Select the Event Log file from the folder and click Open

  3. Select where to display the external (saved) log: (the default “Saved Logs” is fine)

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