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Audio Narration

When you Create or Open an Existing or Recent Inspection Project, the “Audio Narration” window will appear as an option just before the project opens.

If you have a microphone connected to the Inspector system, it will appear in the dropdown list.

Select a microphone if you wish to include/record audio narration with your Inspection Project.

Click Finish.

If you connect to a microphone, the audio narration will start/stop recording also when you click the video recording start/stop button.


The audio narration will be recorded with the video in the same .mp4 file

However, if you wish to have the audio recorded in a separate file, in DVR+O / SCI application, select Menu → Recording → Save audio as a separate file. When you then click record (in DVR+O or in Inspector) the audio & video will be saved in separate files.


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