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Control ROS Pan & Tilt from Aux Port

Under the Aux Devices tab, connect to Remote Ocean Systems (ROS) Pan & Tilt. 

Click Connect to Pan Tilt.

Once connected, the pan-tilt icon will appear on the left-hand side of the main screen.

ROS Pan & Tilt Control

  1. Up, down, left, and right: Move the pan-tilt device one increment in that direction 

  2. Stop: Stop the pan-tilt from moving

  3. Goto: Pan-tilt will go to a specified value. Enter degrees in the corresponding text box on the right

  4. Pan checkbox: Pan left or right to the Goto value.

  5. Tilt checkbox: Tilt up or down to the Goto value

Options: Pan ROT and Tilt ROT sets the speed at which the device moves. The rotation speed = Speed setting * 0.5 degrees/sec.

SubC has integrated the ROS P20 pan-tilt. If you have a different pan-tilt, it may need integration development NRE. Verify that your pan-tilt uses the same control API as the P20.

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