Data Logging
The Rayfin logs NMEA data, with a time-stamp, from internal and external sensors.
Compatible NMEA sensors include GPS, system clocks, depth, altimeter, gyro, CTD, and others
Topside NMEA data (GPS) can be sent to the camera via Serial or Ethernet via TCP or UDP port: 8889. See more info here: Data Input and EXIF
Subsea NMEA sensors can be connected via RS-485 on Aux0 and Aux1.
See more info here: Auxiliary PortsThe data is time-stamped and stored in a CSV file in the “Data” folder on the camera. A new CSV file is created for each day. See more info here: Data Logging Controls
Rayfin cameras contain an internal IMU. It displays and logs Tilt and Roll.
Some models of Rayfin include a Depth sensor. The depth is displayed and logged. The water temperature is also logged.
An Altimeter can be connected to the camera Aux port. It will log and show altitude on the camera UI.