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Electrical Power Profile

Test setup 1:

No LED connected. Ethernet control. Video over composite

Condition Average Power (W) Peak Power (W) Peak Current (A) @ 24v

Idle 7.80 9.1 0.38

Recording 7.91 13.56 0.565

Burst Mode 7.59 8.40 0.35

Test setup 2: 

Aquorea Mk3 LED connected to Aux0. Lamp output set to 100%. LED power limit set to 48W. 

Ethernet control. Video over composite. 

Condition Average Power (W) Peak Power (W) Peak Current (A) @ 24v

Idle 55.80 57.10 2.38

Recording 55.91 61.56 2.57

Burst Mode 55.59 56.40 2.35

Optional: The Rayfin has an optional built-in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) which has the following benefits: 

  • Saves from requiring reboot in case of faulty system power

  • Buffering from system current surges

  • Provides time for the system to save videos, so they don't become corrupted

Example of peak vs average power

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