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Hardware Video Output

There are three different hardware video output options for the Rayfin camera. Composite, HD-SDI and Fiber Optic HDMI. There are Rayfin models for each.

HD over Ethernet (HDE)

Live video, control, and media are transferred over 10/100 and Gigabit Ethernet. Composite video and serial control for older system compatibility.

HD over Coax (HDC)

Uncompressed HD video is transferred over HD-SDI, and Live video and stills are also transferred over an Ethernet connection. Serial control included.

4K over Fiber Optics (UHDF)

4K over single-mode fiber optics. Ethernet, HD video, and comms for uncompromised live video quality. Video is output topside at the fiber end as HDMI. Serial control included.

After a new resolution is selected under Output Mode, the camera video will drop out momentarily while the new resolution is configured. The aspect ratio of the hardware video output is 16:9.

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