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Network Attached Storage (NAS)

The Rayfin camera has the ability to store footage directly to a Network Attached Storage (NAS). This feature currently supports Network File System (NFS v3). SubC QC’s the NAS feature on an NFS share that is hosted on Linux (Ubuntu v16.04).

Setting up the NAS

  • You will need to manually set up the folder structure on the NAS. 

  • The NAS will need permissions set correctly so that Rayfin can mount it as external storage. Set up the NFS server to share a mount point. Refer to Setup Linux NFS Server

  • If the NAS goes offline, the Rayfin will automatically revert back to storing on its internal SSD.

  • If have trouble connecting to a NAS device, refer to Troubleshooting - NAS connection Error 301

How to Connect to NAS

  1. You will need the NAS IP address (Server IP Address) and the share location relative to the IP (Share Path).
    In the example image below, the NAS Server IP Address is and the Share Path is /var/nfs/general

  2. Enter the Server IP Address and Share Path and click Connect.

  3. The NAS icon and status will change color depending on the state of the connection:

    1. Green - Online

    2. Red - Offline

    3. White - Not configured / disconnected

    4. Yellow - Connecting / disconnecting

  4. Once connected, you will see how much storage space is available/remaining on the connected NAS shared space. The recording time and the number of stills remaining will also update accordingly.

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