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Precautions & Limitations


Mitigation / Limitations

Precaution: The MantaRay laser pulses once when the camera boots up. It should only stay on for 1 second. The laser may stay on longer if there is a script running that enables the laser. 

SubC lasers are Class 3B. When powering up a camera with a laser connected, ensure you follow laser safety procedures and wear protective glasses. 

Lost video frames between recordings.

Due to the Rayfin's chunking feature, a small amount of time can be lost between recorded video chunks as the filesystem stores the previous file and starts recording the next file.

With SubC BPC(Boost-Power-Communication) bandwidth is low when used with longer cables. When I start downloading my connection drops.

When using cables longer than 325m, switch to 1Mbps Ethernet video. This will reduce the bandwidth requirement and ensure your connection is as stable as possible. 

The Aquorea LED may start immediately on power up.

Be aware of this when using the Rayfin and LEDs in a battery application. LEDs delivered after October 2020 have a new feature where you can set the LED into “Long cable mode” by sending ~device set long cable mode:1. This will power up LEDs with no lamp output until the Rayfin is fully running. 

AutoFocus is not available while in ManualExposure mode.

This is as designed. To use Auto focus, enable AutoExposure.

Multiple connections to the camera from multiple instances of Rayfin Control Software cause instability.

To ensure stability of control and RTSP video, only connect to a camera from one instance of Rayfin Control at a time. 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.