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Quick Start: Coastal BPC - BoostPower Comms

Required Components

SubC Rayfin Coastal

SubC BPC Unit

MCIL2F BPC Test Cable

Windows PC

9Amp AC-DC power supply w/ Buccaneer connector

IP67 rated Ethernet cable

Router or Ethernet network

USB stick with Rayfin Control Software and QC docs

Optional LEDs, lasers and cables

  1. Ensure the software is installed by following this section: Software Install - ROM and Firmware update process

  2. Connect the MCIL2F BPC Test Cable to the BPC Unit and to the back of the Rayfin BPC 

  3. Connect the IP67 Ethernet Cable to BPC Unit and connect the opposite end of the Ethernet router 

  4. Connect Interface Cable to the network or a router with DHCP. The Windows PC or tablet has to be on the same network as the Rayfin

  5. Connect the LEDs and/or Lasers (if using) to the Rayfin with the MCIL5M cables 

  6. Connect the AC-DC power supply (24V) to BPC Unit

  7. Turn on the BPC Unit. Monitor the voltage, it should be >= 11.5VDC

  8. The Rayfin will take 40 seconds to boot. It may take a few extra seconds for the router to register the camera

  9. Follow this section Ethernet Connection to connect to the camera from the Rayfin Control Software. 

To ensure faster download speeds with BPC cameras, we recommend a Router or Switch with a wired connection to your PC. The mini router is provided for Only for bench testing.

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