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Rayfin Coastal Packaging & QA

Included with your Rayfin shipment

  1. Rayfin Coastal 500m camera

  2. ETP or BPC Unit

  3. Component compartment:

    1. High-pressure dummy plugs for camera Aux0 & Aux1 bulkheads

    2. MCIL2F (BPC) or MCIL4F (ETP) Test Cable for bench testing camera

    3. AC cable (matching your region) and AC-DC power supply (24VDC)

    4. IP67 Rated Ethernet cable

  4. Optional Accessories:

    1. Aquorea LED(s)

    2. MantaRay or Skate Laser(s)

    3. Kevlar Tow Cable with Kellems grip

  5. Accessory components

    1. (with LED or Skate laser) 3m MCIL5M to MCIL5F cable for Aux ports

    2. (with MantaRay) 0.5m Y-splice laser cable to plug into the camera

    3. (with MantaRay) 2x Titanium clamps for attachment to the camera

  6. USB stick with:

    1. Windows 10 compatible Rayfin Control Software

    2. Product manuals, datasheets, and QC documentation

  7. Documentation:

    1. complete QA checklist,

    2. pressure-test certificates,

    3. packing list datasheets, and

    4. quick start guide (located under the lid)

  8. Impact-resistant shipping case with designed foam insert

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