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Rayfin Sensor Data Output

Rayfin Cameras are capable of outputting environment sensor data that can be used as input to other data receiving systems.

This article describes the steps for taking Rayfin Camera sensor data output as data input to another system, using Packet Sender as an example.

You must first initiate communications from the application (such as Packet Sender) by sending data from the application to the Rayfin IP Address and Port 8886 via UDP. Then the data from the Rayfin camera will flow to the application.

Example using Packet Sender

  1. ASCII: Enter some text i.e. test

  2. Address: Enter Rayfin Camera IP Address

  3. Port: 8886

  4. Select UDP

  5. Click Send

  6. In the section below (see green checkmark) you’ll see the sensor data from the Rayfin coming through to the Packet Sender application.

For more information about Rayfin camera environment data sensor output string, please see Data Logging Controls | Built in sensor logging format

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