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Rayfin Software Release Notes

Rayfin v3.4.8 -

Click to download the SubC Rayfin v3.4.8 application

  • This update is for the Rayfin Mk1 and Mk2

  • RA: v3.4.8

  • ROM: v3.4.2+Mk#

  • Firmware: v10.49

This version was developed primarily to improve user experience in applications where digital stills are the primary data. SubC’s digital still system, featuring the Rayfin can be reviewed in more detail here:

Features, improvements, and changes

  • Improvements to how Rayfin captures continuous photos

  • Improvements to NTP time sync, and manual time setting

  • RTSP streaming improvements to support Rapid Digital Imaging - Stereo cameras for 3D and Machine Vision Applications

    • For real-time operations, latency is now approx. 185ms @ 1920x1080 HD resolution

    • For increased resolution, we’ve added a Live 4K UHD option!

    • For increased quality, we’ve increased the bitrate to be adjustable up to 100Mbps

    • Frame timing is built-in to enable precision sync between multiple cameras

    • Resolution and Bitrate are independently adjustable

    • Video output aspect ratio are static 16:9 format unless 640x480 or 720x480 resolutions are selected

  • Additional ISO stops have been added for more fine-tuned exposures

  • TTL active high lasers (MantaRay Mk2 and Skate Mk2) start-up in the OFF state on a Rayfin Aux port

  • Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) for systems with high vibrations
    Troubleshooting - Vibration dampening on ROV systems

  • Static IP boot time increased to 50 seconds to allow for more time to recover if the user entered incorrect settings

  • Scripting API updates to include more functionality Scripting with SubC API

Script Line


UpdateRTSP: Resolution, Bitrate

(720x480, 1280x720, 1920x1080) and the bitrate is in Kbps.
Ex. UpdateRTSP: 1920x1080, 10000 - this is 10000Kbps which is 10Mbps.


Sets the Shutter Speed value. Value must be within specified range. (15000 - 500000000) nanoseconds


Use this command to allow setting of shutter speed to any value. When true shutter speed will be clamped to pre-defined settings.


When in AutoExposure the shutter speed is locked to a preset value. AutoExposure adjusts ISO only. (30 or 60)


Releases the AutoExposure shutter lock

EnableNtp:{NTP server},{TimeZone},{force}

Sets ClockMode to Auto and configures as the NTP server. Sets the system time zone to America/St_Johns. The final argument forces this change even if the NTP address appears to be invalid. For the last argument you should submit “true”

EnableNtp:{NTP server},{force}

Sets ClockMode to Auto and configures as the NTP server. The final argument forces this change even if the NTP address appears to be invalid.

SetDateTime:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff

Sets the ClockMode to Manual and sets the current date and time of the system.


Sets the ClockMode to Manual and sets the current date and time of the system according to the first argument that specifies the number of seconds since the unix epoch. Sets the system time zone to America/St_Johns.


Sets the ClockMode to Manual and sets the current date and time of the system according to the first argument that specifies the number of seconds since the unix epoch.


Sets the system time zone to America/St_Johns.


Returns the current time zone of the system.


Returns the system date and time in the format MM/dd/yyyy - HH-mm-ss.fff

Bug Fixes

  • There was an issue where the Rayfin appeared to be taking continuous stills, but it was creating empty folders. This is resolved.

  • There was a delay when continuous photos were stopped, then change your folder name, then start again

  • The time shown in the control software is better synchronized with the camera

  • NTP time setting defaulted to

Rayfin v3.1.12 -

Click here to download the SubC Rayfin v3.1.12 application

  • For Mk2 Only

  • Added Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) mode to reduce the effects of vibration on some ROV systems. Caused by Thrusters and HPUs that may be a little out of alignment.

Rayfin v3.0.22 for MK1

Click here to download the SubC Rayfin RCS Mk1 application

Rayfin v3.0.18 for MK2

Click here to download the SubC Rayfin RCS Mk2 application


  • Static IP Improvement: SubC has implemented an improved standard of Static IP in v3.0.
    This will make interfacing the Rayfin camera to subsea systems much easier and resolves one of the longest existing software limitation with the Rayfin.

  • Local and NTP time setting Improvement: Time setting is quicker and easier now.

    Auto allows you to configure a time zone and an NTP server.
    Manual will set the Rayfin to use the current timezone, date and time used by the Windows PC that Rayfin Control Software is running on.

  • Focus Controls: We changed how the focus controls work to make them more responsive and intuitive.

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