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Recording 4K, HD and SD Video

Check out our guided tutorial for recording with the Rayfin:

Estimated Time

Available storage is shown in the top left of the control software.

  • Name: If a video file has a duplicate name, the software will append a _1, _2, etc., to the end of the filename. A red border will appear if an invalid name has been entered. Clients commonly use time tags for unique file names. 

  • Directory: Customize directories to easily store and separate your inspections. 

  • Tags: Can be applied to the Name and Directory, depending on which field the cursor is in.

  • Quality: Choose the resolution, which will set the bitrate of your video. Videos are recorded at 30FPS. 

  • Encoder: Choose the type of compression applied to the videos. H.265 (HEVC) is an extension of the concepts in H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) and compresses video twice as efficiently resulting in significantly better video quality. 

Video files will split into 10-minute chunks. In the event of a power disruption, the potential for corruption of data is limited to only the most recent chunk. 



Bitrate (Mbps)




720 x 480


212 hours

400 hours


1920 x 1080


42 hours

80 hours


3840 x 2160


10.5 hours

20 hours

To start, press the record circle on the bottom of the main screen. Once recording begins, the recording time will display above the button.

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