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Sensor differences between the Mk1 and Mk2

Rayfin Mk1 (a) vs. Mk2 (b)

Rayfin Mk1

  • Pixel count: 21 million pixels

  • Pixel size: 1.12 µm (L and W) 

  • Pixel surface area: 1.2544 µm2

Rayfin Mk2

  • Pixel count: 12.3 million pixels

  • Pixel size: 1.55 µm (L and W)

  • Pixel surface area: 2.4025 µm2

    • The Mk2 has a larger sensor

    • Each pixel has double the photon-catching area per pixel compared to the Mk1

    • It is also a newer generation sensor

    • The Mk2 will need less than half the light of the Mk1 to achieve a similar result.

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