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SubC Rayfin Mk1 Datasheets

Rayfin Mk1


Built-in Storage

Record and store over 10 hours of 4K video, 40+ hours of HD video and thousands of digital stills. And, as a data logger, the Rayfin Benthic has built-in depth, tilt and roll sensors, and can store NMEA sensor data


High-Quality Optics

Capture the sharpest images in the harshest environments thanks to the scratch-resistant sapphire lens paired with water-corrected LiquidOptics™.


Real Time and Intuitive

Conveniently view and download your footage in real time while effortlessly controlling your camera, lights and lasers from a topside PC.


Compatible with all Subsea Systems

Get the most out of your asset. From marine science observatories to offshore energy ROVs, the Rayfin’s versatility provides high-quality footage no matter the application.


Easy Integration

Located on the back of the camera, auxiliary ports allow you to easily plug in lights, lasers, and other sensors, to enhance the quality of your footage.


Time Lapse and Automation

Save time during longer-term projects, and automate workflows to reduce repetition by using autonomous scripting to capture time lapse videos and digital stills.

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