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Taking Digital Stills

Check out our guided tutorial for Digital Stills with the Rayfin:

  • Name: Choose a descriptive name for your images. You can use the same name for multiple stills; no stills will be overwritten. The software will append a _1, _2, etc., to the end of the name.

  • Directory: Customize directories to easily store and separate your inspections.

  • Tags: Can be applied to the Name and Directory, depending on which field the cursor is in.

  • Image Format: Select Jpeg or DNG (raw). With JPEG compression, images are different sizes depending on the scene. If the image is mostly black, it'll likely be smaller than if there's more complexity. 

  • *Note: In order to view RAW images, a RAW image viewer is required. At SubC we use HoneyView: (also available on the USB stick provided)

  • Maximum Files Per Directory: You can limit the number of stills to be stored in a given directory.

  • The approximately available storage is shown in the top left of the control software on the main screen.

The camera can not take Still Images while recording 4K video. Still and Continuous stills can be taken while recording in HD but not while recording in 4K.

Sensor and Resolution

JPEG Image Size

RAW Image Size

512GB SSD capacity

Mk2: 4056 x 3040 (12.3MP)

2 - 8 MB

24 MB

66,000 - 230,000 images

Mk1: 5344 x 4008 (21MP)

4.5 - 18 MB

40.9 MB

26,000 - 103,000 images

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