Troubleshooting - NAS connection Error 301
The NAS connection option on Rayfin Control Software (RCS) transmits a request to connect to a network share you provide.
Access denied when trying to mount to the network path provided.
The mount command outputs E:301 error when connecting RCS to a NFS (Network File System).
Ensure the network share is NFS version 3.0.
The NAS should be a standalone Linux computer or a NAS that is build on a Linux Operating system.
Ensure the IP and path provided are valid.
Check the server providing the NFS file sharing and ensure permissions are set properly.
Ensure the NFS is enabled.
Ensure NFS is set for version 3 or higher
Also see Setup Linux NFS Server
If you encounter a different error code and require assistance, please email
Mount Commands
To mount an NFS share:
/system/subcimaging/bin/busybox mount -o nolock,rw,hard,intr,vers=3 -t nfs IP:REMOTE_SHARE_PATH /mnt/nasTo un-mount an NFS share:
umount -f -l /mnt/nas