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Troubleshooting - NAS connection Error 301

The NAS connection option on Rayfin Control Software (RCS) transmits a request to connect to a network share you provide.


Access denied when trying to mount to the network path provided.

The mount command outputs E:301 error when connecting RCS to a NFS (Network File System).


  • Ensure the network share is NFS version 3.0.

  • The NAS should be a standalone Linux computer or a NAS that is build on a Linux Operating system.

  • Ensure the IP and path provided are valid.

  • Check the server providing the NFS file sharing and ensure permissions are set properly.

  • Ensure the NFS is enabled.

  • Ensure NFS is set for version 3 or higher

Also see Setup Linux NFS Server

If you encounter a different error code and require assistance, please email

Mount Commands

  • To mount an NFS share:
    /system/subcimaging/bin/busybox mount -o nolock,rw,hard,intr,vers=3 -t nfs IP:REMOTE_SHARE_PATH /mnt/nas

  • To un-mount an NFS share:
    umount -f -l /mnt/nas

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