Troubleshooting - Samba doesn't work on a Rayfin Mk1 after power cycle
The Reason
There is a bash script in the Rayfin operating system that launches samba for us when the camera boots up.
Here is the path to it:
The line in that script that launches samba is the following (the last line in the script):
/data/data/com.funkyfresh.samba/files/samba-rc start && log -p v -t "$TAG" "Restarting Fileshare" &
However, we have found that if this line is executed too soon as the system is booting it fails. For this reason we have added a sleep 30 at the beginning of the line to have it wait 30 seconds before executing. This has worked on all Rayfin cameras.
Why is this a problem on the Mk1?
Mk2 camera updates include an operating system ROM which replaces the above mentioned script file. But Mk1 camera updates do not. They all run an extremely old ROM from before this issue was identified. It is possible that there exists a number of Mk1 cameras in the hands of clients which have never had this script fixed.
How to Fix it
Connect to the camera with adb
Run this command:
adb pull /system/subcimaging/init/ C:\AnyFolderYouWant\Modify the script file you pulled from the camera so that the number after sleep is 30. It should be:
sleep 30 && /data/data/com.funkyfresh.samba/files/samba-rc start && log -p v -t "$TAG" "Restarting Fileshare" &
Run this command:
adb push C:\AnyFolderYouWant\ /system/subcimaging/initRun this command:
adb reboot