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Making an API call using Postman

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The commands used in this document are examples, please ensure you are getting all commands from the API Calls page.

Getting Started

This document provides scenario style examples for sending GET and POST requests using Postman.

Also refer to the API Calls document for API usage and examples.

Sending a GET Request

Lets say your are running the application API on IP on port 8088 (port 8088 is the default port number).

If we want set the camera to auto focus, we would start with the base of

Before proceeding to the Steps, here is an overview example:

Captured section from API Calls doc - GET call, setting the auto focus

Postman GET Example

GET Steps

  1. Open Postman

  2. Choose the method Get

  3. Fill-in the URL address - Example:

  4. Click the Send button

  5. When complete, the Status response should be “200 OK

Sending a POST Request

Sending a POST request is similar to sending a Get Request, with a few additional steps.

Before proceeding to the Steps, here is an overview example:

Postman POST Example

POST Steps

  1. Open Postman

  2. Choose the method POST

  3. Fill-in the URL address

  4. Click on Body tab

  5. Select raw

  6. From the drop-down, choose the type as JSON

  7. Populate the command field and modify as needed.
    Example: { "PathTemplate":"ProjectName-Still/{yyyy}{MM}{dd}-{HH}{mm}{ss}" }

  8. Click the Send button

  9. When complete, the Status response should be “200 OK

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