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User Accounts - SSW

For additions or changes in your User Accounts for SubC Streaming Services, please make your request via the SubC Customer Service Desk Portal or email

Add a New User Account

Please include the following in your request:

Subject: Add New User Account to [Company Name]'s SubC Streaming Service

Message Body: Please Add [User Name], Email [] to Group [Group Name]

Signature: [Requestor’s Name, Company and Contact details].

A User Account can be a Member of multiple Groups

Move or Include Member to Group

Subject: [Move | Include ] Member in [Company Name]'s SubC Streaming Service

Message Body: Please [Move | Include ] [ ] to [Company Name]'s Group: [Group Name]

Signature: [Requestor’s Name, Company and Contact details].

Remove a User Account

Subject: Remove User Account from [Company Name]'s SubC Streaming Service

Message Body: Please Remove [User Name], Email [] from [Company]'s SubC Streaming Service

Signature: [Requestor’s Name, Company and Contact details].

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