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SubC Streaming Service Web Overview

SubC Streaming Service Web (SSW) is a cloud accessible application that provides remote control interface to configure and manage SubC Stream enabled desktop applications, such as SubC Stream, Blackbox and DVR+O / SCI.

The SubC Streaming Service Web application includes a feature for creating Presentations that allow you to invite viewers to watch your SubC Streaming video sources securely and in real time through the SubC Presentations Web cloud application.

A typical scenario for using a Stream enabled desktop application and Streaming Service Web together: A Stream desktop application is installed on a computer on a vessel (offshore) and the SubC Streaming Service Web is accessed from an Internet browser on another system (onshore).


SubC Stream Desktop application (Offshore)


Streaming Service Web (Onshore)

When the Stream enabled desktop application is opened on the PC, the Channels appear and are configurable within the Streaming Service Web application in its Group.

The Streaming Service Web application is explained in detail in the following sections.

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