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Rayfin + MantaRay Laser Mounting

The figure on the right illustrates how to attach a MantaRay to the Rayfin and how to connect both devices to the Rayfin/MantaRay mount assembly.

  • Place the MantaRay on top of the Rayfin such that the center of the laser apertures are aligned horizontally with respect to the front face of the Rayfin as shown in image A.

  • Wrap a 316 stainless steel hose clamp, 3-1/8"- 6" clamp ID, 1/2" band around the Rayfin and MantaRay. The hose clamp should slide through the rear slotted groove in the MantaRay holder . Place a strip of rubber material between the hose clamp and outside surface of the Rayfin housing. Image C shows how the rubber strip should be cut, with a gap left for the MantaRay holder to fit between. Tighten the hose clamp, but not fully, so that the MantaRay position can be adjusted.

  • Place the Rayfin and MantaRay on the Rayfin/MantaRay mount assembly . Make sure that the Rayfin is oriented correctly as shown in image D. The front of the Rayfin should point towards the curved side of the Rayfin/MantaRay mount.

  • Fasten the Rayfin and MantaRay to the angled holder assembly using another 316 stainless steel hose clamp, 3-1/8"- 6" clamp ID, 1/2" band . The hose clamp should pass through the cutout in the bottom of the angled holder top . If the hose clamp cannot pass straight through the cutout, adjust the position of the MantaRay until the hose clamp is aligned with the slot. Fully tighten both of the hose clamps until the Rayfin and MantaRay are rigidly fixed in place. 

  • If the devices are crooked, loosen the hose clamps, realign the devices and re-tighten the hose clamps.






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