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Hardware Datasheets and Info

The Rayfin enables live HD video, control, and media download over an Ethernet connection. It is available in three different models, Benthic, Coastal and Micro, with variants of each model for alternative bulkhead configurations.  The Rayfin models and variants have been designed to cover the requirements of many applications from ROV, AUV, deep water drop systems, autonomous battery-deployed landers, and underwater observatories.

Rayfin Micro - reduces size and weight, for observation class ROV systems

Rayfin Benthic - real-time inspections and surveys, battery-powered time-lapse systems, ocean observatories. It has many options including video over HD-SDI or fiber optics. The Hibernation option enables timelapse with low-power consumption, for months to a year of deployment.

Rayfin Coastal - includes SubC BPC technology for power and data over twisted pair or coax. This enables real-time HD video and data. Designed for drop and tow camera systems, or for unique applications such as river or coastal monitoring.

Read more about the differences between SubC camera products and the applications they are used in, in this article on our website:

Rayfin Models are available in 500m and 6000m depth rating

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