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Screen Capture

This Screen Capture feature allows you to select your computer screen content (Screen Capture) or a specific window (Window Capture) that is open on the computer as Input to a Channel.

  1. Back arrow – Returns to the Input selection screen.

  2. Device → Please Select
    Choose Screen Capture or Window Capture.


    2.1 Screen Capture – Captures the full monitor display. Click Start.

    2.2 Window Capture – Captures a specific window on your computer monitor display. For example, you could select a window that has a still image, a sensor display application, or even a browser displaying a page such as YouTube.

When using the Window Capture option, always keep the window you selected in a non-minimized state.

  1. Device → Dropdown field – select Window Capture.

  2. Window → Please Select – Dropdown field showing all available open windows on your computer screen.

  3. Load By Window Name – Checkbox field when selected show windows by name instead of process ID.

  4. Refresh – Refreshes all open windows on your screen to ensure they appear in the dropdown list.

  5. Start button – Begin displaying the selected Window activity.

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