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Menu → Settings

In Settings you can set Proxy and Time Source, view Stats and adjust Admin Settings.




If your Network uses a proxy server, enter the proxy server name in the Server field, enter Username and Password, and click Apply.

A proxy server is a system or router that provides a gateway between users and the internet. Therefore, it helps prevent cyber attackers from entering a private network. It is a server, referred to as an “intermediary” because it goes between end-users and the web pages they visit online.


Time Source

Select “PC Time” to sync the DVR+O / SCI time source with the computer’s clock.

You can also select Time from data inputs, but you must first have Data Input configured with incoming data that does include date & time data. (Example using NMEA Sender as Data Input Source).


RTSP connection parameters


Admin Settings

  • Start Streaming on Open - When you close the DVR+O application, it remembers the Channel configurations (stores in its settings file) where you left off and those configurations will be set when you open the DVR+O application again. You can also optionally turn “Start Streaming on Open” feature so that when you open the DVR+O application again, it will automatically start streaming those previously configured Channels.

  • Ignore Access Code - Used for Presentation Input. You can connect a Channel to a Presentation without providing the Presentation Access Code.

  • Show Streaming Button - Toggles the Stream Button from visible to not visible. Unselect if you wish to prevent the DVR+O Desktop application (i.e. Receiving side) from activating Streaming on the Channels (You can control start / stop Streaming Channels from the SubC Streaming Service Web application.)

  • Downscale Blackbox to SD - Downscale from HD (High Definition) to SD (Standard Definition).

  • Enable preview software on fallback - If the DVR+Ov7 Channel Preview & Main view video is not visible when the User has accessed the DVR+Ov7 host PC via remote desktop, you can turn the Enable preview software fallback toggle on and then be able to see the Preview & Main video.

  • Show RTSP connection parameters - Click this toggle checkbox to hide or reveal the Parameters filled in by IP Camera Input Type selection UI.

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