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Other Rayfin Settings


Select Menu → Other Rayfin Settings



  • Restart Camera: To reboot the Rayfin camera.
    To power cycle the Camera you must disconnect the power supply.


  • Enter a name for your camera to help uniquely identify it

  • Click Set Nickname button to apply & save.

Auto Focus Mode

  • Normal

  • Anti-Turbidity Mode - locks the focus range in front of the camera so it ignores any turbidity close to the lens when in auto focus. This will maintain focus on the object of interest and abstract from any debris there may be in the water.

Orientation: [Displays current selection]

Click buttons to select

  • Vertical

  • Horizontal


Rayfin cameras contain an internal IMU. It detects and reports the Tilt and Roll angles of the Camera. 

An IMU (inertial measurement unit) is a sensor that tracks the acceleration and angular velocity of an object over a period of time.

  • Set IMU Zero

    • If the camera is mounted on a submersible at an obscure angle, you can use this button to set the IMU’s zero angle based on the current orientation of the camera. Mount the camera onto the submersible, position the submersible upright, then click this button.

  • Reset IMU Zero

    • Returns the IMU to default settings (it will report zero degrees when the camera is perfectly upright)

IMU Zero
This shows the current “IMU Zero” setting.

Safety Features

  • Turn off AUX devices near surface to ensure the laser, LEDs, and strobing is turned off to protect users when taking the SubC Tow Camera System out of the water.

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