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CLI - How to upgrade Rayfin Camera from v3 to v4

Normally, you can upgrade your Rayfin Camera from v3 to v4 using the DVR+O / SCI application UI.

See Upgrade Rayfin Camera ROM & Firmware

However, if you encounter a problem where your Rayfin v3 camera is not accessible via the DVR+O / SCI application UI, you can alternatively update your Rayfin Camera ROM and Firmware from v3 to v4 using the following method.

Your Rayfin camera(s) must be connected to a Network that is DHCP capable. Plug your Rayfin camera into your Network to obtain a DHCP IP.

If your Network is not DHCP enabled, you can use the TP-Link router that is included with your Rayfin camera kit. Watch this Rayfin Unboxing and Setup video (at the 1:45 minute mark) for instruction on how to use the TP-Link router to put a DHCP IP on your Rayfin camera.

If you do not have RCS already installed on your PC, download the Rayfin RCS Software

To re-install Rayfin Camera ROM and/or Firmware to v3

  1. Open an instance of Windows Explorer to C:\SubC DVR+O v7\SubCSoftwareUpdate\RayfinUpdater


  2. Open another instance of Windows Explorer to C:\SubC DVR+O v7\SubCSoftwareUpdate\Rom


  3. Drag to RayfinUpdater.exe to open the updater with the correct Rom


    1. Rayfin Cameras connected on your Network will be automatically discovered and listed

      1. Enter the Index number that matches your Rayfin (eg. 1 = Rayfin001) and follow any on-screen instructions. Or you can enter the last number in the index to manually type in the IP address of the Rayfin to be updated.

    2. Or, you can “Press ESC to skip” this search and “Enter the IP Address of the camera to update


    3. The program will connect to the Rayfin camera, check its storage capacity, and begin transferring the file to the Rayfin camera
      Note: If Updating a Rayfin BPC camera with a Long cable, the update can take up to 10-15minutes to transfer the file to the camera and execute.

  4. After the camera successfully runs through the updater tool, the text will tell you not to turn off the camera. The command window should then close automatically.

  5. You can then ping the camera's IP address. Open a Windows CMD (command) window and enter ping 192.168.x.x -t. This will continuously ping the camera until a successful ping response is received - then you will know the Rayfin camera has restarted and the update is complete.

  6. The camera should now appear in DVR-O / SCI, under the Rayfin Input tab.

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