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Conducting inspections of underwater assets is fundamental for offshore industries.

SubC Inspector is a companion application that comes bundled with SubC DVR+O v7 / SCI

Please refer to the SubC Inspector User Manual for more information.

SubC Inspector connects to the SubC DVR+O / SCI Desktop application via IP & HTTP protocol over LAN.

With SubC Inspector, you can create and conduct Inspection Projects that include Remote Viewing, Video Recording, Event logging and Operational Control.

“Inspection In Progress” message will appear on the DVR+O / SCI application when an Inspection is currently Recording.



Select a different Inspection folder


We’ve added a button in SubC Inspector giving you the ability to go back and select new folder (without having to restart the SubC Inspector application as was required before).

When Recording is active:

  • Clip (paperclip) button appears - use this to take video recording clips that will be saved in an additional file (apart from the primary Recording files).

  • Events buttons become activated.

    • Click on an Event button to log that event.
      An “Event taken: Event-Name” message will appear briefly at the top-center of the window. (i.e., Event taken: Damaged).


Also, when you click on an Event you can optionally Add a Note pertaining to that Event.

Events are recorded in the eventlog.csv file located in your specified Inspection project directory. The logged Event entries recorded in the eventlog.csv file have the current date and timestamp of when the Event occurred plus the Note you may have included.

Stop the Inspection in progress on the Inspector application if you wish to make any changes to the Channel Input on the DVR+O / SCI applications side and reopen the Inspector application.

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