This section provides an introduction to the SubC DVR+O SCI User Interface (UI).

Video Input Types
To configure a Channel with video input, select one of the 5 Inputs displayed in the center of the DVR+O / SCI Inputs window.

Rayfin to connect and remotely control SubC Rayfin Camera
Rayfin Camera controls are available in the DVR+O / SCI UI once the channel is connected to the Rayfin.Capture Card to connect to a device that takes an HDMI video feed
IP Camera to connect to other brand IP Cameras or RTSP videos.
There are no direct camera controls in the DVR+O/SCI UI for other brand cameras.
RTSP URL syntax example rtsp://[username:password]@ip_address:[rtsp_port]/suffixPresentations to connect to a streaming SubC Presentation (requires SubC Streaming Service)
Screen Capture to connect to the PC’s Screen display or Windows Capture to connect to an open application or browser Window.
Each of the above Input types are reviewed in detail in Inputs.
Initializing a Camera Input
Once the Channel is configured with Input type, the following features appear.
Video Main View - The video appears in the center. (In this image example, the Input Type is Rayfin camera and is also showing Overlays that have been configured)
The Rayfin camera’s depth, altimeter, pitch, roll, and heading values are now displayed in a column to the left of the video, giving users a constant view of the cameras telemetry data to prevent accidental bottom strikes when using the Towed Camera System.

See Rayfin Camera Controls for additional features when Input type Rayfin is selected.
Image Enhancement - The images below illustrate how the image enhancement feature illuminates the video when turned on.
Image Enhancement = Off

Image Enhancement = On

Video Full / Additional Screen - Click to open an additional window displaying the Channel video. Initially, the additional screen opens in full-screen mode. Click on the full-screen window to access controls to reduce the size and move this additional video window, for example, to display the video on another monitor.

Menu contains many features. See the Menu section for details on Menu → Setting, Channel Info, Data Input, Overlays, Recording, Blackbox, Still Settings, Streaming, and more.

Review Media - Click to open Windows File Explorer to access the folders you have selected to save video recording, framegrabs and still image files for this Channel.
If you click on the Review Media button but you have not yet selected a folder where you wish to save your videos & images, you’ll see the following message. In this case, click OK and select the Folder / Filenames Settings icon on the right to identify your folders.

Folder/Filename Settings - Click to open the Folder/Filename Settings where you can browse to a File Explore Explorer window to select Directory path in which to save your recordings, stills, and data and format your Directory Template, Filename Template and apply Tags.
Folder/Filename Settings

Directory - Displays the directory you specify to store your recording, data and still image files.
Click the Browse button if you wish to change this directory path.
Directory Template - Default is ${channelname}\${yyyy}\${MM}\${dd} however, you can modify this directory template as you wish.
Filename Template - Default is ${hh}${mm}${ss}_${fff} however, you can modify this filename template as you wish.
Tags - A new ${type} tag allows users to have better control over their directory structure to keep like files together. This can speed up post processing time to get results more quickly.
You can add tags (such as channelname, Year\Month\Day &/or Hour\Minute\Second\Milliseconds) by placing the cursor anywhere you want the tag to appear on the Directory or Filename template paths, then select the desired tag from the Tags field drop-down list.
See Media Capture Wizard for more details.

Blackbox Start / Stop

Click to Start Blackbox Recording - Click the Recording toggle button to start and stop recording video on the current Channel.
Blackbox is Active

While recording, the Recording toggle button changes to a square and the Recording timer is presented.
Click this button to stop Blackbox recording.
Recording Start / Stop

Click to Start Recording - Click the Recording toggle button to start and stop recording video on the current Channel.
Recording is Active

While recording, the Recording toggle button changes to a square and the Recording timer is presented.
Click this square button to stop recording.
Take Still / Framegrab

Click the Camera button to take a Still image or Framegrab (while video recording) of the current Channel video.
If overlays are applied on the Channel(s), the overlays will also be included in the Still / Framegrab image file.

When the Input Type is Rayfin camera, you have the option to exclude Overlay (Still) or include Framegrab (w/Overlay) on the images. See Stills Settings - Rayfin.
Also note, you can trigger taking framegrabs on all Channels simultaneously from SubC Inspector
Take Still / Framegrab with RDI

When RDI is on and you click the Camera with RDI button, Stills will be continuously be taken until you stop by clicking the Camera with RDI button again.
Stream Start / Stop

Click the Stream button to Start Streaming
The Stream toggle button will only appear if the SubC Streaming Service is activated for the PC hosting the DVR+O application. See How do I activate a new PC in Streaming service.
Stream is Active

The Stream toggle changes to indicate that Streaming is active.
Click this button to Stop Streaming.
See the Streaming section in this manual for instruction on Streaming.
The pages that follow explain each of these features in more detail.