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Rayfin Camera Controls

The Rayfin Camera Controls allow you to remotely adjust the Rayfin camera settings.

The Rayfin Camera Controls will appear at the top and sides of the DVR+O / SCI application UI when you configure a Channel with a Rayfin Camera as Input. Different Rayfin Camera Controls appear depending on which modes are turned on.

1. Aux Devices


Aux Devices are are auxiliary devices that you can optionally use with the Rayfin Cameras.

To activate these devices, select Menu Rayfin Aux Devices.

  • LASER is used to provide a visual reference to objects underwater.

  • LED produces continuous light on the camera’s subject.

  • Strobe produces a flash of light when a Still image is taken.

2. Exposure Mode


When Exposure Mode is set to AE - Automatic Exposure, the camera automatically calculates various settings, such as Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO Speed to correctly expose the image.


When Exposure Mode is set to ME - Manual Exposure the Shutter Controls and ISO controls appear allowing you to adjust settings that determine an image's exposure.


Shutter Controls allows you to adjust the Shutter speed, controlling how long the sensor is being exposed to light.

  • Lower results in slower shutter speeds, the scene is generally brighter and moving objects may show motion blur.

  • Higher results in faster shutter speeds, the scene is darker and moving objects are sharper.

ISO, International Standards Organization, addresses the sensitivity to light pertaining to film or a digital sensor. ISO is one of the three sides of the exposure triangle used to make sense of what goes into determining an exposure. The other two sides are aperture and shutter speed

  • Lower ISO value results in less sensitivity to light.

  • Higher ISO results in more sensitivity to light.

3. Exposure Value


Adjusting the Exposure Value allow you to override exposure settings picked by the camera's light meter to darken ( - ) or brighten ( + ) images.

4. Focus Mode


When Focus Mode is set to AF - Auto Focus the Rayfin camera automatically determine the focus settings.


When Focus Mode is set to MF - Manual Focus, you can adjust the Focus via Focus Near & Far settings.


Focus Distance is a measurement inside the lens which affects where the camera is focused. A larger value indicates focusing nearer.

5. Telemetry Data


The Rayfin camera’s depth, altimeter, pitch, roll, and heading values are displayed in a column to the left of the video, giving users a constant view of the cameras telemetry data to prevent accidental bottom strikes when using the Towed Camera System.

6. Real-time Image Enhancement


The Real-time Image Enhancement is a feature that will help operators get the job done quickly and efficiently by allowing them to clearly see the videos and stills they're capturing in real time.

The Image Enhancement feature is ideal for water conditions with poor visibility as it helps bring out details in the enhanced video that are normally obscured.

Image Enhancement processes live frames so the framerate is processor dependent.

Image Enhancement Off


Image Enhancement On


7. Zoom Level


Zoom Level refers to the maximum magnification variation between the lens's widest and narrowest settings.

  • Higher, increases magnification.

  • Lower, reduces magnification.

8. Pan & Tilt


When you select a Kongsburg Pan & Tilt device, you can reposition using this Pan & Tilt control wheel. See Rayfin Aux Devices → Kongsburg Pan & Tilt section for more details.


9. Keyboard Shortcut Keys


We have added keyboard shortcuts “hot keys” to also control the Kongsburg Pan & Tilt device using the keyboard arrow keys and specific character keys (a,z,q,s,x) to control the Rayfin camera Zoom. See Keyboard Shortcut Keys for details.

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